About Us
DRP Aquatics
DRP Aquatics was founded by Johan Roux, a chemist and water treatment consultant with a deep passion for breeding Angels and Discus fish. Since 2001, he dedicated himself to the hobby in South Africa before migrating to Australia in 2008. Specializing in fish diseases and their management, Johan developed expertise in microscopy while breeding Discus. His focus was on combating gill flukes, the leading cause of Discus fry mortality and the primary culprit behind the notorious "three-week syndrome." Through extensive research and innovative techniques, he worked to improve survival rates and overall fish health.

After mastering Discus breeding, Johan shifted focus to German Blue Rams (Microgeophagus ramirezi) to understand their high disease susceptibility. He imported wild Rams to cross with tank-bred ones, but a mycobacterium outbreak wiped them out. Fortunately, he salvaged two spawns, now growing to strengthen Australia’s weak Blue Ram strains.
Through histology and research, Johan developed a method to eliminate mycobacterium, achieving disease-free Rams within a year. This success led him to seek optimal nutrition to support their growth and health. His Rams have thrived, with new strains emerging, including a rare golden Ram—the "queen of the hatchery"—featured in the DRP logo.
The DRP food range, instrumental in his breeding success, is now available to help other serious hobbyists achieve similar results.

Dr, Bassleer Biofish Food
With the DRP food range consisting of just five products, the search began for another high-quality fish food offering greater variety while meeting the same strict standards for fish health. This led to the opportunity to import Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food to Australia—a scientifically designed formula created by renowned fish pathologist Dr. Gerald Bassleer.
More than just fish food, Dr. Bassleer’s range is developed alongside fish health research and plays a role in treating common diseases. With over 160 videos documenting his work on disease identification, treatment, and nutrition, his expertise is unmatched. We’re proud to bring Biofish Food to Australia, providing hobbyists with one of the best fish foods available.
This website is dedicated to top-tier fish nutrition. We believe a healthy gut leads to healthy fish, and our low-carbohydrate formulas ensure none of our foods cause bloat.