About us
DRP Aquatics was founded by Johan Roux, a chemist and water treatment consultant with a passion for keeping and breeding the more difficult fish species to breed. He started breeding Angels and Discus fish in 2001 in South Africa until he migrated to Australia in 2008. After a few years in Australia, finding his feet after getting over the trauma of emigration he started with tropical fish keeping once again but this time started specialising in fish diseases and the management thereof. He got involved in microscopy with the Discus breeding and tried various techniques to rid the Discus fry of gill flukes which is the biggest contributor to discus fry deaths or the so called three week syndrome.
After mastering the breeding of Discus he change over to the breeding of German Blue Rams, Microgeophagus Ramirezi, to understand why these fish are so very susceptible to disease that shorten their lifespan drastically. He imported some wild Rams via a local fish shop to cross with tank bred Blue rams and disaster struck when all of them got the mycobacterium infection and died. He was lucky to get two spawns from the wilds and the F1 babies are in a growth phase right now to be the future breeders in strengthening the weak Blue Ram strains we currently have in Australia. After having histology performed on some dead Blue Rams Johan derived a plan to rid his Rams of the dreadful Mycobacterium disease that was responsible for the Ram deaths. This was accomplished in about a years time and the fish he breeds now are disease free.
It is this project that lead him to search for a food source that could provide the nutritional benefits to his Rams to ensure they grow at a good rate and that they remain healthy. Many people have bought his Rams and have kept them over a year already. Some new strains came through in electric blue rams and one golden ram which was called the queen of the hatchery. She has been crossed with a Blue Ram and has produced quite a few golden rams. She is also part of the DRP logo as she was the only one in more than 1000 Blue Rams bred. The DRP food range has helped with the success achieved in the breeding project and has been brought to market for other serious hobbyists to experience the same success.
Dr, Bassleer Biofish Food
The DRP food range being small, only consisting of 5 foods, resulted in a search to find another high quality fish foods that offers a greater variety together with the same high requirements for benefitting fish health and wellbeing and that will be fit for tropical fresh water and Marine fish. This lead to the opportunity to import Dr. Bassleer Biofish food to Australia. This is a truly a remarkable food that was designed by a highly qualified and well known fish pathologist, Dr. Gerald Bassleer.
The Dr. Bassleer food range is not just another fish food. This food was developed in conjunction with fish health studies and forms an integral part of the curing process of some common fish disease. There are over 200 videos of Dr. Bassleer's work on fish disease, identification and cures using medication, good husbandry and his range of Biofosh food. The successes he achieved is remarkable and we are honored to bring his Biofish food to Australia to support the Australian hobbyists with the best fish food so far developed in the world.
This web site is all about fish nutrition using exceptional quality fish food. We believe that if you keep the gut happy your chances of having healthy fish are very much improved.
None of our food will cause bloat in fish so rest assured. The reason is because our foods have the lowest carbohydrate content.