The best Food for growing and Maintaining Fish Health In Tropical and Marine Fish
Why this is the best food ever
Our foods do not contain colorants, hormones, or dangerous preservatives to keep the fat from going rancid.
DRP food is approved to raise fish for human consumption so it adheres to the strictest approval matric in the aquaculture industry.
Our foods do not contain land animal protein.
The food is very high in krill, marine fish and squid meal content that contributes to the good absorption rates.
The picture below shows the size of the DRP1 pieces of this food, compared to brine shrimp eggs and then compared to the crushed version as seen at the top part of the picture. The crushed food is between 30 and 80 microns in size. The ruler in view is a microscopic ruler with every division being 100 micron or 0.1 mm in size.
The food is very palatable and soft making it easy for the small fry to break off and ingest. It does not foul the tank however one needs to be careful not to over feed.
This food is extremely well absorbed by the fish making full use of all the protein, fat and other ingredients as listed on the packets. The good absorption rate leaves very little waste in the tank and also ensures excellent nutrition and growth rates to the fry from the high content of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) in this food. These substances are Omega-3 poly-unsaturated, fatty acids found primarily in fishmeal and fish oil.